Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Brighton Art Fair Banners and Cotton Bags
Ok now for a little vanity - it's great when something you've had a hand in designing goes up all around the home town and it's even better when it looks good. The banners are designed and illustrated each year by the founder of our fair - Sarah Young and have a loose 'transport' theme - this year the lady is leaving Brighton Art Fair happy, with art purchases in her personal submarine. (of course)
On some of our literature the submarine imagery has printed more subdued than we intended but these banners really look great on the seafront and hopefully do the job of enticing art lovers into our show too.
We're well into the countdown for the fifth Brighton Art Fair. The Leaflets went out on the 18th August the banners and posters on Monday. Invites have been posted and the PR campaign spurred into action.
As you can see the sun always shines in Brighton, and we're keeping our fingers crossed for the one good weekend of the summer for the Art Fair.
Also in the post this morning was a pallet of cotton goodybags designed by Sarah Young, to be given away exclusively to visitors to the Brighton Art Fair next weekend! We rather liked the shocking pink last year but perhaps the dusky purple is more classy!
I shall have to dig out last year's bag so I can look old skool when I come again this year...