Sunday, 28 August 2011

Featured Artist - John Simpson

John Simpson will be showing his work with Art of Treason at the Brighton Art Fair.

Where did you train? What did training teach you and what do you wish it had taught you?
Cambridge School of Art. I developed my interest across a broad range of arts and began to find my own language of drawing. I didn’t wish for anything more.

When and where did you first want to do what you do?
Scribbling in the garden as a child.

One favourite living artist?
Arturo Herrera. His work is beautifully sensitive and pushes the possibilities of drawing.

One favourite historical artist?
Francisco Goya. He was an amazing classical painter and printmaker, as well as a subversive artist who truly engaged with the world.

Where do you get most of your inspiration from?

What is the most interesting / fun job you have had?
I would not describe working as an artist as a job, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. It opens up opportunities to travel and meet an amazingly diverse amount of people.

Have you had any interesting work related collaborations?
Working away in the studio can become a very isolating business, so it’s very refreshing to work with my friends at Artizan editions when creating a new Serigraph edition.

At age 16 who most influenced your style?
I don’t think I have a style now and I certainly didn’t when I was 16.

Last book / film that blew your mind?
The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien

What music are you currently listening to?
Bill Callahan. If I cant make a decision I’ll put 6 music on the radio.

Who would you say buys your work?
I’m constantly amazed at the diversity of people who by my work. It’s fascinating how the same picture can often generate polar opposite reactions from different viewers.

Where and what is your studio?
My studio is on the top floor of what was a meat storage building in the North Laine, Brighton.

Do you have a good work/life balance?
Yes. It’s probably a little more extreme than usual because I’ll be completely immersed in work for a period and then take it easier when a body of work is finished or an exhibition has opened.

What one word would describe your feeling of doing your work?

If you could be doing anything else what would it be?
Wildlife filmmaker

If you could exhibit in any gallery in the world which would it be?
MoMA, New York.

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