Simon Tozer produces comical but also slightly tragic screen prints of animals. He will be showing his work at the Palace Art and Craft Fair.
At what age did you know you wanted to become an
I was 12 or 13. I did a lot of drawing.
Is being a an artist your only job?
As l am a printmaker I sometimes print other peoples things for them. I
teach and run screen print workshops.
If you could be anything else what would you be?
A musician.
One favourite living artist / designer?
Grayson Perry, for his pots, and his ideas. And his sense of humour.
One favourite historical artist / designer?
The painter Peter Brueghel. I like his dark northern European
Who / what has had most influence on your work?
My childhood.
What is the most interesting / fun job you have had?
Painting a mural in Nairobi General Hospital. Going to Africa was
What is your most prized item of art / design / craft? The alphabet mug designed by Eric Ravilious for Wedgewood. The drawings
are beautiful.
What item of design / craft do you covet most?
Maybe a purpose built studio by the sea.
Last book / film that blew your mind?
The Black Spider by Jeremias Gotthelf
What are you listening to?
How many hours do you waste on the internet each day?
Possibly any time spent on the internet is wasted. I spend too long on it.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
Japan maybe or India, somewhere culturally different with nice food.
Where and what is your studio?
Centrespace in Bristol. It's a co-operative of makers of all kinds of
things. I share my studio with another screen printer/illustrator.
Three words that describe your feeling of doing your work?
Argh! Grrr... Hmm?
Chips or mash?Chips surely.
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