Saturday, 27 July 2013

Ten Years, Ten Artists: Daniel Ablitt

I firstly count myself very lucky to have exhibited at each of the Brighton Art Fairs. It's no coincidence that I also have been a full time practicing artist for the last ten years.
What immediately marked Brighton Art Fair out from the other artist exhibitor fairs, was the professionalism of the organizers and also the stands themselves. The artists work selected was given the right setting in which to show itself off at its best. Given this level of quality, it's no wonder that it continues to attract engaged, buying members of the public along with galleries who view it as an important event at which to 'pick up' artists. This happened to me on my very first Brighton Art Fair. The gallery saw my work, followed it up with a studio visit and I am still represented by them ten years on.

The confidence gained through selling my work directly and building relationships with members of the public and galleries has been invaluable. A result of this direct engagement with the public is a realisation that one person's taste in art is so varied and different from another and that confidence in your work has to come from yourself and your own practice. Most artists in reality would be much happier painting away in their studios and maybe showing their mum the odd painting!

Artistically it has been essential in my development. Having Brighton to work towards allows me to build a body of work that hangs well together and works as a whole. This is I believe an important part of growing as an artist, particularly at the beginning of my career, providing the focus to explore a theme to its fullest.

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