Sunday, 22 July 2012

FeltedFido - Needle Felted Dogs by Dee

This is Ottilie, my 3 year old black Labrador, otherwise known as Ottie. I've never really been a dog person. I always wanted one as a child, but only as most children I imagine 'think' they want a pet. In a moment of weakness, I succumbed to the pressures from my children, and by massive fortune and the help of my sister, this 8 week old puppy arrived in our lives. Three years later we are all totally besotted by her. Properly! She has become like one of the children, so strong is my affection for her. I'm cringing writing this, but there you go!

Knowing this, my fabulous bosses (who are also pretty smitten with her), gave me my own custom felted miniature Ottie.

Made by Dee of FeltedFido, Felted Ottie is regal, beautiful and perfect - just like the real thing. Dee produces custom needle felted sculptures of your favourite pet or breed of dog via her Etsy page. All you need do is provide a few photos of your pet and your mini likeness is created within a few

My miniature even came with her own blanket and stick. Ottie loves sticks!

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