Friday 8 May 2009

Empyrean Speculum and Sky Mirror

This is something of a follow-up to the earlier post on Anish Kapoor - it's great that artists and the public are engaged in dialogue over art pieces even if it might tend towards pricking infated artistic ego.

In response to Anish Kapoor's Sky Mirror and as a satire on the heavy security cordon surrounding the sculpture (which both deprives locals of the use of a part of the heavily used Pavillion Gardens to sit and relax in and means that the sculpture can't be properly viewed either) Artist Jonathan Gilhooly created his own version of the Sky Mirror complete with security fence but somewhat smaller. On May 2nd the new work was displayed at the Pavilion Gardens complete with it's own security guard and caused a little rumpus, the official guards tried to evict the small version! - you can read what happened here

Photos's Stig Evans

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