Brighton University, I studied Fine Art Printmaking as a mature student.
What did training teach you and what do you wish it had taught you?
It taught me to be self motivated and how to use a printing press. I wish I had realised then, that it would be useful to what I do now, to have access to the painting and illustration courses.

I have always made things, and I have always wanted to do something creative for a living. I trained as a chef first and then worked with computers. I got fed up of spending Sundays dreading Monday morning and decided things had to change. In my mid 20s I started working part time in order to do a part time foundation course. I discovered printmaking and loved the process so I went on to do a degree.
One favourite historical artist?
All around, stories I read to the children, something I hear or see. Sometimes a particular colour will really capture my imagination and I will start from there.

Not so far, maybe in the future.
At age 16 who most influenced your style?
Art wise I loved Gustav Klimt, Tamara de Lempicka and anything art deco.
Music, I loved Talk Talk, Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell and The Cure.
Style Icons were Audrey Hepburn and my Gran (she was a very stylish lady)!
Currently very much enjoying Catlin Morans "How to be a Woman".
Adele, Southern Tenant Folk Union, Po Girl and Be Good Tanyas.
Hard to say, men and women, old and young!
My Studio is in New England House in Brighton. It is a large shared space. There are 13 of us in the room of various creative disciplines.
Yes, I think so, I like to do a bit more work but I have 2 children under 5 so they take priority at the moment.
I'm very happy doing what Im doing, I would like to do more illustration work.
If you could exhibit in any gallery in the world which would it be?
Somewhere warm and exotic!
We have Open House in May and at Christmas as part of the Brighton Festival. I turn the garden in to a cafe and make around 800 cupcakes during May. At Christmas its mulled wine, mince pies, christmas puds and presents. So, if you're looking for something for yourself, or a lovely gift for someone, come and see us at "The Cake House" this Christmas.