Jo Louca's work concentrates on the elemental power of light, atmosphere and the mood of an area, rather than a figurative representation of it. Frequently the initial inspiration for her paintings comes simply from gazing up at a light filled canopy, the magical effect being almost that of stained glass, a cathedral canopy.
Where did you train? What did training teach you and what do you wish it had taught you?
Farnham, I did my BA Hons in Fine Art there, it taught me to be analytical and work autonomously.
When and where did you first want to do what you do?
One favorite living artist?
Hard one, probably Jenny Saville. I love the colour she uses in flesh and the challenging quality of her work.
One favorite historical artist?
Even harder, I think maybe Rothcko, for the all enveloping mood he creates.
Where do you get most of your inspiration from?
Just looking and really seeing.
What is the most interesting / fun job you have had?
Other than painting, I used to be a dancer (a life time ago).
At age 16 who most influenced your style?
I can only just remember that far back, but I think a lot of the 13th & 14th c religious artists for their clear calm sense of moment.
Last book / film that blew your mind?
Melvin Bragg's, Credo
What music are you currently listening to?
Nitin Sawhney
Who would you say buys your work?
Just people who love it.
Where and what is your studio?
An outbuilding in the garden (such a long commute)
Do you have a good work/life balance?
Very, my work is my life

What one word would describe your feeling of doing your work?
If you could be doing anything else what would it be?
Nothing else
If you could exhibit in any gallery in the world which would it be?
Anywhere large and airy.
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