Sunday, 3 May 2009

The House Of Newts

One of Brighton's most popular open houses - the House of Newts reopened this year with a fantastic collection of makers and artists from Brighton and beyond. The house is in South Avenue, fronting Queens Park in Kemptown. Sarah serves home made tea and cake in aid of the Martletts Hospice in the sunny garden, where if you're lucky you can glimpse the numerous newts int he pond.

Angela Charles' abstract landscapes of her adopted Somerset look fantastic in the light filled studio.

Anna Tilson's Mosaic pots, mirrors and trays.

The Garden with Phil Duncan's garden sculptures and Jane Muirs birds hanging in the tree.

Jane Muir's ceramic figures and one of Sarah Youngs Screenprints.
Jeff Soan's 'Wobblywood' Fish, seals and chickens. Julia Mills' stained glass hangings.

In all there are 16 fantastic artists and makers exhibiting throughout the house and garden.
Angela Charles New Paintings
Rhoda K Baker Complex Intriguing Paper Structures
Rob Demel Garden Sculptures
Phil Duncan Garden Ceramics
Ken Eardley Handmade Functional Ceramics
Rachel Eardley Original Paintings, Prints and Jewellery
Janice Farrer Contemporary Glass
Ali Hastilow Papercuts
Phil Lyddon Porcelain and Stoneware
Julia Mills Contemporary Glass Panels
Jane Muir Ceramic Sculptures for indoors and out
Jeff Soan Wooden Creatures
Anna Tilson Vintage crockery mosaic
Sarah Young Paintings and prints
Syann Van Niftric Jewellery
Annabet Wyndham Enamel Jewellery and Silver Smithing

The House of Newts is open 12-6pm Saturday and Sunday 2nd-24th May
There is Free and Easy Parking on Sundays round Queens Park

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